Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Not an Atheist, Just don't believe in God

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” — Gandhi

If someone tells you that they are a Theist, you don't think much about it. But if they say they are an Atheist, you may get nervous. So relax. I am not an Atheist but I definitely do not believe in any kind of god. As I understand religion, all of them, you have to take the “god" on faith. That is what belief is all about. NO EVIDENCE.
The Atheist's problem is the same: no evidence that there isn't one somewhere. So personally I think there isn't one.
I also think that there is much absence of any god actually giving a damn.
I was raised to be a Christian. Confirmed. Baptized. Even thought about becoming a priest! Then the science soaked in. Where is the evidence? I asked myself. Couldn't find any I answered. Why not I asked. Isn't any I answered.
So. I had to “come out" as an atheist. Not easy to a lapsed Catholic mother and a “pillar of the church" father. They  “clucked" and essentially told me that I would eventually come to my senses. I have, and there still is no evidence.
And even now when asked (this happens a lot in the South) I often answer: "I don't go to church. I'm not a Christian." Very few follow up.                                                                                    One of the perks of being a non-believer is no fear of eternal punishment and damnation from a loving god. I sleep at night. Another perk is no tithe to a sexist homophobic chauvinist bunch of old men ( yes, some young ones too).
And, I don't always have to find out WWJD before doing anything. I ask WWWD, then just DO it.
On balance I probably miss some social contact with nice people, and that can be sad. On the other hand, my friends are either secularists, athiests, or quietly solid believers who also believe that their religion is their business and mine (or lack thereof) is my business.

Image: http://www.mandm.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/created.jpg

1 comment:

Zarko said...

If there is anything that my parents did well, is not to force religion upon me. When I reached the age of reason the decision was real simple on my behalf. I want to live. I do NOT want to die and that’s the whole meaning of life: Not dying! Not Jesus, not virgins, no paradise, it is simple life=living. For the people that think that the paradise is awaiting they should take an early exit and go to that paradise. Some say their job is not done here on earth and I say "God just told me that it is, so go..." And then I say: Let me know how it is, ohhh wait you will be DEAD... good for you....

This brings me to another point. Why do people always think that their mother or father or somebody significant after they pass away is watching over them? That to me is a shitty paradise, and isn't that god's job? Why does he need more people looking after you if he can handle it. I would be pissed off if I was god. Aren't we so damn selfish: we ask for love ones to hang around and watch over us instead of finally enjoying that paradise; we prey on God's day off; and we are trying to find a meaning in an outdated book that is as sexist as it can be.

It is very simple, I am not and never will be a slave to the all mighty. I live my life to the fullest and if he doesn't like it, well he can go and $%$^^%$ himself. I am not afraid of god, but I am sure afraid of where religion extremism and climate is heading to.