Monday, February 20, 2012

Let’s Talk about Birth Control

It is really all about sex, isn’t
it? Humans have a powerful sex drive that is intended, as it is in all
creatures, to produce offspring. In Darwinian terms the more you reproduce, the
more variation there is in a population and the better the chance the
population has for survival. Putting Darwin aside, though, doesn’t alter the
sex drive. We have it; we want it; we love it; we use it.
But, since the agricultural revolution began 10 or so thousand years ago, humans have been living longer and the population has been growing. Even more so since the industrial revolution. We DO NOT NEED the biological potential we once did. We need controlled growth or no growth at all to survive. It should be obvious that the religious nut cases that preach unlimited family size or abstinence have outlived their philosophy.
The clear and obvious situation is this: humans have a powerful sex drive and sex is fun. Humans also do not need more children ergo they need birth control if they engage in sex for fun. There are many (interestingly almost all MEN) people who want to limit or do away with contraception. Because it is an issue with their RELIGION.
Well folks, as I see it nobody has the right to shove their RELIGION down anybody else’s throat. If these people (read that MEN) don’t want to use rubbers or won’t let their wives use anything that might just be their business. But don’t tell me I can’t.
So who am I talking about now? Well, the entire Catholic Church (men); Mormons (men); many fundamentalist sects (men); fundamentalist Islamists (men) for starters. See a pattern ladies?
See a pattern guys? See a Republican shift against birth control and a move towardsMORE government control on your lives? We are being buried in people and people’s waste. We need more control on birth now. Not less. Not more thumpers of all stripes. We need less of them.

Image and good reading:

1 comment:

Zarko said...

In addition, the saddest part is that they (catholic men) allow Viagra on their health plan... Whata *&^%^& will a catholic priest do with a 4 hours erectile pill? It beats me. I guess this hypocrisy goes a long way.

While we are on this subject as one thought went to the other, I am interested to hear about your thoughts on 72 virgins phenomenon (maybe another blog lol). That concept blows my mind just as 99% of all religion ideas. Few questions: What is so special about these virgins? I am sure that there is a reason to why they are virgins on the first place? There are plenty of virgins in this world, why risk dying for them? Why would an experienced and sexually active male want a virgin; they are no fun? Does that mean that heaven has an unlimited prototype of virgins? If throughout history there were one million people that did some form of scrutiny while alive to end their lives for those virgins there would be 72 million virgins required. Will those virgins always stay a virgin and what form of contraception will they use? God would have to create a factory of virgins, which I can't recall reading in the genesis of god ever taking his time to make such thing. In what form will these men go to meet those virgins, will they even have an active penis? Why would anybody need 72 virgins, most men can't even truly handle one woman? What is so special about that number 72? I guess the religion is saying love thy wife and provide for her wile on earth, but once in heaven you will have plenty of ladies to fuck (you make love to one special lady, but there is no making love to 72), don't even need to love them, plenty to drink and eat... huh sounds confusing to me... What if those 72 virgins are lesbians and don't want a man? Isn't sex prohibited before marriage according to most religions, and if so will they have to marry 72 times so that they can even have sex with them? Or, in heaven anything goes and it is just on earth that you have to listen to god... Huh, I still don't understand the concept of 72 which to me is just a lot to handle, and who in their normal mind would want that...