Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Freedom of Religion? Huh?

Freedom of religion should also be freedom FROM religion. The freedom not to have a god, bible or any other religions things. The freedom to be an atheist or agnostic and run for and, more importantly, possibly win. The freedom to have a religion-free workplace. The freedom to have a religion-free sporting activity or meal. The freedom to choose to reproduce or not. The freedom to be gay, straight or anywhere else on the spectrum of human gender.
Get real conservatives. This is NOT a Christian country.

Know where I stand?


1 comment:

Zarko said...

In addition, religion-free education system. I can strongly argue that there is a high positive correlation between extreme religion and intelligence suppression. Let's face it, intellect is power, which religious groups don't want you to have for obvious reasons. Religious motto must be: be smart enough to do what they tell you/follow, but dumb enough not to ask questions or think for yourself. I know this may sound offensive to many people, but when I look at the non-biased historic facts that include...huh let's start with crusades, labanese civil war, french war, 30 years' war, stoning of women, scientific manipulations (executions), fall of yugoslavia, extermination of jews, Deir Yassin massacre, middle east conflicts, Curds vs Turks, Kafanchan massacres... shit the list goes on and on and on and on... that tells me that religion did more devastation than Mussolini, Hitler, Napoleon, and Cesar all together... which leads me to think that religion must be the root to all evil.

Children are brainwashed during early stages of development and are never given the opportunity to rightfully chose. I don't know why people love god and think that god loves them, because I would be more afraid of god than devil. A 15 year old is not allowed to vote, but is considered a christan, jew, muslim or whatever else. Which in fact that child is not a christan but is rather a child of a christian parents... I believe that 18 should also be the appropriate age for the child to decide about his/her religion and be totally immune until then. If there is a certain age limit required for drinking, smoking, and voting, thus there shall be a age limit for religion. In other words churches should check for IDs and not allow participation of children in such hazardous exercise.