Monday, May 16, 2011

Take a GLBT to lunch!

I just got an email from JS, a participant on a GLBTetc listserv I belong to. The links she sent talk about Rick Welts, President and CEO of the Phoenix Suns, coming out, and two straight athletes, Hudson Taylor and Ben Cohen standing up for GLBT rights.

The universe I inhabit is what could be called a “GLBT-rich environment”. From early days, I mean really early days, I have been involved one way or another with the GLBT community. Included in my circle are friends, co-workers, students, bosses and relatives. My early life, high school for example, had some homophobic moments. We joked in those days, calling each other and kids we didn’t know very well “queers” or “fags” or some other names. I knew some gay people then, but they were “OK” because I knew them. I was a stupid young jerk in many ways but for the most part left my stupidity behind.

As I grew up and moved on I got more and more exposed to GLBT people and early on came to realize that this community was one I liked but could never really be a part of. Just like “Gay” isn’t a choice, neither is “Straight”. So I let friendships form without prejudice and moved through life as a sometimes participant in the gay community but more often as an advocate.

Here is the crux of this little essay: If I could do it, so can you. I grew up in times and in a family that lived prejudice. I overcame that, and so can you. But you have to do more than overcome prejudice. You have to get out there and openly decry the kinds of prejudice still flourishing around all of us. Get a gay pride bumper sticker, or go to a gay pride march, or argue with someone when they start to spout homophobic or racist or anti-feminist crap. Don’t let it rest. What is the worst thing that can happen to you? You might find you have some GLBT friends, or maybe you might make a new friend from that community. You could get the crap beaten out of you too. Or killed. Or damned to hell.

Do it anyway. Do it because it is right, and makes you feel good. Just do it.


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