Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Uterus - The New F-Bomb

Democrat Representative Scott Randolph was chastised by the Republican leadership? for using the word “uterus” on the house floor. In a response to a wave of deregulation of many formerly protective (of citizens, see Florida HB5005) rules and regulations Randolph was making the point that if his wife incorporated her uterus maybe the Republicans would deregulate her reproductive rights. After all, an incorporated uterus would be a small business and as such would have many voices of Republicans calling for no new uterus regulations and a removal of all previous regulations.

Randolph was told that the word “uterus” was inappropriate for young pages and interns to hear and that such language interrupted the decorum of the august chamber. Talking about forcing women to have and pay for an ultrasound, and forcing them to watch it, and forcing them to hear a stern talk from their doctor about the so-called pain and suffering a 6 week old blob feels (an outright lie) is absolutely fine for young ears to hear. What a bunch of two-faced bastards they are.

I recommend to all my women friends that you visit the website “Incorporate My Uterus” , http://www.incorporatemyuterus.com/ before it is too late. The legislature that has legalized bribery in the form of legal corporate contributions to their own “leadership fund” will be working hard to remove your control of your reproductive rights. Hurry. And, use the term “U-word” when possible to show solidarity with like-minded truly freedom seeking people.

Image: http://witwisdom.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/incorporate-your-uterus/


1 comment:

Jim said...

Two comments: (1) In our Orwellian political landscape, where money is called free speech, there no reason why a uterus can't be a corporation. (2) Why should only women incorporate a uterus? If business moguls can incorporate dummy shell companies, then a man should be able to incorporate his uterus too.