Monday, August 9, 2010

Interview with a Whiner

Ann Rice dumps the Catholic church because she “discovered” that it is homophobic and trying to influence “secular” policy. What a gigantic surprise! She started her writing career as an atheist, then later converted back to her childhood religion. Why do that? Who knows what lurks in the hearts and souls of lapsed Catholics? I know my mother gave up the Church when she was about 10 and spent the rest of her life feeling guilty even though she was a faithful Episcopal. The Catholic indoctrination burns a very deep hole in the soul. Rice is keeping her belief in God, and in the idea the God knows and sees all, but can’t abide the fraud of the Church in the “holier than thou” department. Or any other Christian church for that matter.
Well duh. I guess the astonishing levels of deceit and crime within the church over abuse of young members by clergy wasn’t a problem. I guess the refusal to ordain gay priests wasn’t a problem or the relegating woman to second class (or even third class) citizens wasn’t a problem. She said there was no “straw” that caused the break, just an accumulation of distasteful things. So she came to her senses, partially.
I remember when her first vampire novel came out and thinking what a whiner the handsome blonde rock star vampire was. Lestat was his name and whining was his game. Sounds to me like our Ann is getting a bit whiney.
I have said it before and I say it again: Religions should keep their beliefs to themselves and out of the lives of those that don’t think like they do. It is bad enough trying to cope with the world as it is without having to worry about which of the hundreds of religions are dangerous, or stupidly ignorant of just plain silly. Keep religions in the churches, mosques and temples, and out of the faces of the rest of us. And don’t forget, the Constitution guarantees it.
NPR interview with Ann Rice:

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