Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Constitution is Only For OUR SIDE!!!

I just got a forward from a guy that is obviously pissed about the Feds suing Arizona. He conveniently overlooks the 12 or 13 Republican governors that are suing the Feds over the Health law. If States can sue the Feds why shouldn’t the Feds sue States? In the end, the courts will decide if any of the laws are constitutional, and that is what this is all about. Conservatives loudly thump the Constitution when it suits, but somehow get offended when someone else thumps it. Go to the Supreme Court for gun rights? That is a God-given right. Go to the Supreme Court for gay rights? That is a blatant insult to the Constitution and the founders. The conservatives can’t have it both ways, but they WANT it both ways. Supreme Court to uphold all of their issues, and Supreme Court to trash the ones they don’t like.
Many conservatives don’t like the ACLU, and throw all kinds of dirt at it. In the end though, the ACLU is only an arbiter for anyone or any issue that could be unconstitutional. If someone thinks that killing possums is a violation of some Constitutional right, then they have the right to find out. Everyone has the right to find out what is and what isn’t constitutional. The Constitution guarantees it.
I think we should trust the courts to sort out the issues and tell the conservative and liberal politicians to keep their hands off. If a law is unconstitutional, then it should be struck down. If not, then not. How can you ever tell if it isn’t challenged? A dangerous trend began to develop during the Bush II era. Questioning the Government was seen as being unpatriotic. Against the Iraq war? Must not be a Patriot. Against Guantanamo? Must not be a Patriot. Against UNLAWFULl tapping of AMERICAN CITIZEN’S phones? Must not be a Patriot.
And now: Against a law that looks on the face of it to be discriminatory? You must be a liberal socialist anti-conservative hack.
Read the Constitution and you will find that expressing your opinion is a very AMERICAN thing to do. Choke that off and you kill the dream. Do you really want to kill the dream? I don’t.


Jim said...

Some people on both sides of the political spectrum have trouble acknowledging the rights of those with whom they disagree. In a corrective action just the other day, an adjunct religion professor at the Univsity of Illinois was reinstated after being fired for defending the Roman Catholic church's position on homosexuality.

woody s. said...

I guess that is core reason why there is academic freedom. Sometimes it seems like it gets things a little, as my dear old mom would say "bass ackwards".