Monday, August 24, 2009

Piercing, Tattooing and the Future

I saw this photo years ago, then it was titled something like "Thank God for Mothers", meaning I suppose that no matter what, your mother will love you. It has been noted that I have a strange brain, that thinks of strange things at strange times in strange ways. Stipulated. This morning just before signing off for the day and getting down to business this image popped into my mind, and I wondered: all these years later what has happened to this person (guy, gal, intersex?)? If anybody knows I would sure like to know. Why? You would have to ask my brain that question, and it is not inclined to give out that sort of answer. I tried. It didn't work.

BTW, is a rare place to peruse when you have a few minutes to spend. Some really interesting stuff.


1 comment:

Matt said...

My psychiatric-practitioner-in-residence tells me that facial tattoos and extensive facial piercings are hallmarks of narcissistic personality disorders.