Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lies and damn lies

"Lie" : An act or instance of lying; a false statement made with intent to deceive (OED). "Damn lie": An act of repeating over and over a false statement that you know is false. (Woody).
Now nobody out there should doubt that I am at times a liberal, but I have some conservative notes in my song. But I like to think of myself as a thinking person.
That said, I am sick to death of the damn lies being repeated by Sarah Palin *and other conservatives about the health plan and euthanasia. Read the plan Sarah. It isn't in there. It just allows payment for end of life counseling if the person wants it. Does that sound like some kind of Nazi death provision?
I don't know all of what's in the plans that are floating around, but I know there is NO EUTHANASIA PROVISION. What the hell is wrong with people? Ahhhhhh. Right. Easily lead and easily fooled. Hale-boppers (Heavens Gate)and Jonestowners and Wacoers. And millions of others in the world that don't bother to think.
So the health plan may suck. It may not work. It may need work. Something certainly needs to be done. What? Stuffed if I know.


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