What about reproduction? Well, we call it, ummm, errrr, SEX.
So. We take thousands of normal young males (Wait. Could pedophiles, pederasts, hebephiles and ephebophiles actually be attracted to the life of a priest because of the sanctuary they find?), feed them, secure them from most physical threats and deny them sex. Even with themselves. OMG!!! Spilling your seed outside a woman is a SIN. Just ask Onan. (Ooops, sorry. You can’t because God killed him for doing that.) The result? Some of them go off the deep end and get it where they can. Remember, though, it is considered a shameful sin in the Church. Some go to the weakest they can find. Children.
Why the hell is anyone surprised? I’m not.
But wait. There is more. After discovering decades of abuse of children and teens, the mother church covers it up and reassigns the offenders to other parishes where they continue to abuse. The cover up goes all the way to the Vatican. Surprised? I’m not. The Church has a long history of abusing power at the expense of human suffering. Time for a revolution. The peasants are revolting.
And the Pope says: “Ja, sie sind. “
Image: www.mintmuseum.org/.../coverup_72.jpg
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